3D Printing Canada
Model Wash Resin Cleaner - 4 L
Model Wash - 4 Liters
Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable, Biodegradable Resin Cleaner
Instructions: Do not dilute with water. Do not use with low grade Plastics.
Cleaning instructions without an Ultrasonic Cleaner
Step 1 – Shake container and put clean “Model Wash” in a container or bucket
Step 2 – Put model in cleaner for 2 – 5 minutes (1-2 minutes for rubber)
Step 3 – Use a Brush to help remove resin from difficult areas.
Step 4 - Rinse thoroughly in cold water.
Step 5 - For rubber materials repeat steps 1 to 4
Step 6 - “Dry thoroughly ” before curing in UV
Cleaning instructions with an Ultrasonic Cleaner
Step 1 –Shake container and put Model Wash in Ultrasonic Cleaner
Step 2 – Put part in cleaner for 2 – 5 minutes (1-2 minutes for rubber)
Step 3 - Rinse thoroughly in cold water.
Step 4 - “Dry thoroughly ” before curing in UV