A general purpose and easy to print resin for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Digital Light
Processing (DLP) 3D-printers. Liqcreate Premium White is perfect for applications which
require long-term color stability.
Liqcreate Premium White is an opaque white photopolymer with excellent UV-stability.
3D-printed parts from this material show no discoloration and stay perfectly white, even
after long-term UV exposure. Liqcreate Premium White is easy to use on all open source
LCD and DLP 3D-printers in the range of 385 – 420nm. This material has excellent
properties like low shrinkage and low odor, which makes it ideal for the production of
medical models, architectural scale models and miniatures.
- Opaque White
- Non-yellowing
- Low odor
- Low shrinkage
- Wanhao D7
- Anycubic Photon
- Phrozen Shuffle
- All low power, open source 385 - 420nm LCD and DLP 3D-printers